

Artists, performers, theater goers alike gathered in a space mixed with red lights peeking through smoke. Water splashing dancers, a treadmill, lights, paper, love and the many expressions of love and it's power. Love's power of no matter what baby I got you now let's jump. Let's do this. Let's live. Let's dance.

I spent the night after the experience in motion. My mind and imagination was still high off this lifestyle of letting go. I spent the next few hours and now days still in love and craving for more. More of this and eye connection and laughter and company. My creative sparks def was touched for this show and night. The feeling of glancing across the room and seeing all smiles and laughter and ecstasy if you will! Each scene had different stories and ways that someone can perceive it, interestingly enough there were no audible words and dialed from the characters unyet you feel them and their energy. You feel and understand their emotions. LOVING MY LIFE!!!!

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